College bound romantic Daniel Bae meets Jamaican born pragmatist Natasha Kingsley and they fall hopelessly in love with each other on one magical day admist the flurry and fervy of the city of New York.
They both see life differently and sparks fly between them immediately and Natasha tries fighting her growing feeling for Daniel Bae all the while fighting to save her family from being deported from the united States back to Jamaica. This is an adaptation of the novel of same name written by Nicola yoon.
Well it's another love story and yes let's put it out there it gets the happy ending which is one of the main critics against love stories especially in Hollywood. So anyway having seen the plot above let's actuallly talk about the movie itself.
It's a basic plot girl meets boy under queer circumstance, they fall in love and then overcome all their difficulties and get the happy ending they ever wanted.
So that is it, it's just another Regular love story plot and nothing much to talk about there but for some few parts of the movie the plot really came to life and for a moment we honestly thought that the writer was going to shock us but then they went back and gave us the regular happy ending we always get but in some very few love stories.
Again still going on about the plot and the story in general, directors of love stories should have come to realise that love stories with happy endings are way too many Now for any new love story to get noticed if it follows the norm, they should learn to take some risk but risk taking and love stories are two things that are never seen side by side but that is where they are wrong, love stories are supposed to allowed a writer to explore and go outside the norm, it should allow a writer to get creative and give us a story for the ages.
I am still waiting for a love story that will blow our mind away.
The casting for this movie though, they are fine but really both never really came to life and lacked chemistry alongside each other which was a shocker, laughing no It was not Yara shahidi really is just a pretty face and that is all there is to her, it's been how many movies,series etc and yet there is still not Much that can be said about her acting other than damn she is a fine face and a very fine one at that but then that fine face will keep getting her roles in movies I just hope that she gets her act together because she really can be a great actor if only she puts in effort and work. Charles Melton has had better days as an actor and we really can't out this one on him.

Love stories generally lack character development except a select few that are the great ones ,this particular movie lacked character development and I don't really understand how you can have a movie without character development and hope to get a good movie ,even comedy movies do have even a semblance of the word character development and it's still a shocker that this is obtainable from a professional director
But having said all the above it is still a fun movie to watch, you could actually have a good time watching it and you could actually tear up a little at some of the scenes in the movie. Regular romantics will love the movie because it gives what they want which is, fun, love and romance.
From us here at fca it's a 5/10 and that's because it was fun to watch.
Yara shahidi
Charles Melton
Gbenga akinnagbe
Jake Choi
Cathy shim
Hill Harper
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