Thursday, 28 February 2019

Medici - The magnificent

An ancient game of thrones ,it's a story of intrigues, lies, deceit, betrayal, love,
Passion , sex, fight , religion and whatever else you can imagine.

Simply put, The series is set in the 15th-century Florence , and the protagonist is Cosimo the Elder, who was elected head of the Florentine Republic in 1434. Cosimo has inherited the Bank of Medici from his father Giovanni , who has been mysteriously poisoned. Through various flashbacks (20 years prior), we are introduced to Florence at the time of Giovanni, and to his relationship with his sons Cosimo and Lorenzo 

Basically this is the season one of the show and this review is not really about the first season even though it was a great season the show really came to life in the second season which is called Medici the magnificent. And it's the second season we are really talking about in this review.

Flowing from the first season, the second season is focused on Lorenzo Medici the magnificent the elder son of Lorenzo Medici and his journey to succeeding his father as head of the Medici bank after the death of his father. 

Well season two of the series Is really a continuation of the storyline fron the first season except that we have a new protagonist in the person of Lorenzo Medici the magnificent.
This show is solid in all aspects you can think of and imagine. It's very similar in to davincis demons, shares almost the same plot and elements.

Medici the magnificent is simply a show not to miss, from the first episode to the last episode there was no wasted moment.  Netflix really can't seem to do anything wrong in the shows they are selecting.

The show is master piece in the way they developed the plot and the conclusion of the second season which settled the conflict in this season but still left enough opening to make the audience want to tune back in for a third season.

In the second season,the plot shift and focuses on Lorenzo the magnificent, we are really made to understand him and see what drives him, the inate need he has to help and also the story line is consistent with the plot of the show.  There is no unnecessary diversion or addition of sub plot that was not necessary to the major plot of the show. This is not so common in series as in most political drama, you really dont see the use of certain characters, episodes or sub plots because they don't really serve any useful purpose in the larger picture of resolving the conflict, this was not the case in this show at all, rather every character ,sub plot was used effectively and brilliantly.

Netflix knows how to assemble a great cast and they did it yet again, it was brilliant acting put on display by the whole cast of the show,there is really not one you can fault for his performance of their role in the said series.

The fight scenes were okay, they were not great as the show did not really need them to be rather when there was a need for action the show did deliver.

I am a sucker for political drama, because it leaves one breathless especially when all the rights elements are put in place as it was in this said show, it had everything that makes a political drama great and exciting to watch from intrigue, drama, romance ,betrayals, death, action, politics, deceit, love and the list is endless.  Each episode had a dose of all the above listed elements imbibed into one hour of air play.

And finally lets talk about the resolution of conflict, lot of shows fail miserably when it comes to this aspect of a political drama ,the conflict in the second season is concluded but still left enough room for creation of a new conflict and that is the most unique thing about this show. We are eagerly awaiting the third season of the show.

There isn't much not to like about this show, from us at fca it's a 6.5/10 rating and it's one show I will recommend for everyone except children.

It's a Netflix original series in the USA, broadcast by rai 1 in Italy and Some parts of Europe by fox.

 Cast includes

Daniel Sharman
Bradley James
Sean Bean
Sarah parish
Julian sands
Callum Blake.

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Wow we really did wait for this and what a ride it was lets just get to it. The latest movie from dc and its about one of the most popular ...
