Wednesday, 30 January 2019


                                 Revenger: Netflix's Total Beat 'Em Up Movie
Set in the near future, dangerous criminals are housed in a hellish prison island. A man purposely has sent himself to the island to avenge the murder of his family.

This movie basically has no premise asides the fact that it has taken a swipe at a somewhat already explored plot idea. A hero who has voluntarily gone to prison to get to a certain villain he has a past with. It's not bold, it's not daring and it's not creative. At best it's basic, repetitive and over flogged, and if we are being honest, it's never really intriguing unless perhaps there is woven into the tale intricate sub plots or side stories that make it compelling.
  That little it factor is missing from this movie, leaving it totally threadbare, lacking in creativity and abnormally reliant on fast paced brutal combat. This movie won't win anyone any Asian awards for good or original story, neither will any of the actors be taking home any gongs for incredible acting. The movie kept conversations at a minimum, and even at that, try as they may, the little dialogues we had were tainted with a lot of humour and thus came off as very annoying. We preferred they didn't even talk at all in the movie.
Having said that, I would have gone ahead to evaluate the plot, the storyline, character development and the strength of the conflict. But here we have a movie that basically had no plot elements, because the story itself is so basic no proper plot element can be formulated from it. The characters were not developed, and that's perhaps due in no small part to the shallowness of the entire script. It's really poor.

  Well the movie does have a single positive. You can take solace in the fact that you will get a total beat 'em up movie. Smash and grab action sequences, brutal combat and actually very good fight choreography from the actors. I think Bruce Khan was properly cast as lead, and he accordingly delivered on his fight sequences.
That's basically all about the movie, fight fight and more fights. There is no story, no plot to develop, and the conflict motivations are solid but the conflict elements themselves are very weak. Really a poor movie unless you are a fan of beat 'em up genre.
Well, we won't be advising any of our readers to see the movie unless for the fun of it and for the sheer brutality of the fights. Asides that, kindly stay away from this movie.

FCA's AppR: 4.5/10

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Wow we really did wait for this and what a ride it was lets just get to it. The latest movie from dc and its about one of the most popular ...
